This CBD has us sleeping better than ever

We initially resisted the CBD surge. While we were intrigued, we hadn’t found the formulation or product that impressed us. And so how could we recommend it? We’d say, the research is there but we’re not sold yet. Well, that was then and now I’m 100% on board...

Gone too Soon

A bunch of years ago, I led a retreat at Blackberry Farm. There was a fitness expert from the Ashram and I gave a series of nutrition talks. One of the participants was a woman, around my age, named Elizabeth. Throughout the weekend, Elizabeth pulled me aside to ask...

Is Body Commentary Ever OK?

  Over the years, I’ve heard the gamut of comments others make about weight and appearance. There’s the judgy and cruel, “you look sooooooo much better”. The perhaps not meant maliciously but stinging, “you look like a different person”. Or, the curious and...

Nonreligious Lent Take 8

Carolyn and I were brought together by Lent. I noticed that nothing helped clients adhere to a rule like they did during Lent. Truthfully, having not grown up with Lent, or even really knowing what it was, I was jealous of their resolve. And so Foodtrainers’...


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