Unexpected Fling Organic Green Tea


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A fling is defined as a short period of enjoyment and wild behavior. And yes, tea is about as wild as we get. Green tea is one of our favorite secret weapons as it is metabolism boosting and an upper. But unlike coffee, green tea is an upper sans jitters.

You’ve also likely heard the term polyphenols. Green tea contains the polyphenol EGCG, which is believed to provide most of its health benefits. A few of the studied benefits include improved cardiovascular health, skin protection and enhanced weight loss.

But not everyone loves the taste of green tea. The rose and cherry in this tea has converted many green tea haters.

If you’re new to loose tea, we brew it in this teapot or cold brewed in this one.

Loose leaf glass jar (90 grams/ ~36 servings)

Ingredients: organic Sencha green tea, organic rose petals, organic rosehips, organic safflower flowers, organic natural flavors

Instructions per Big T NYC: Put 2.5 grams (approx 1.25 tsp) per cup of tea into strainer. Pour fresh, filtered water at 180° F over tea. Let steep for 2-3 min. Remove tea leaves & enjoy!


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