You may know, from our newsletter this morning, that we had a Foodtrainers’ ice cream crawl.  We went around the city taste testing. Sure, we tried to balance things out by walking from place to place (next year we’re going to run) but we know how that math works. We summarized our favorite pops and shops in the newsletter but we had so much information it didn’t all fit.
Raspberry Nice Cream This recipe may not seem groundbreaking on paper but my sons (including the teenager), babysitter and husband all loved this. Ingredients: 2 bananas on the riper side 1 container organic raspberries couple tablespoons water (if needed) and stevia optional (I used NuStevia)
Freeze bananas and a container (6oz) of organic raspberries. Add bananas to food processor or high-powered blender (I used Vitamix). At first they will splinter and you may feel it’s not working, keep going Blend until creamy. Add berries to the blender, you may need a tablespoon or two of water and I added a few drops of new stevia. If using a Vitamix you need the plunger thingy and a little elbow grease. Makes 2 nice-sized servings. You can freeze leftovers but you’ll need to thaw a bit to get smooth/soft-serve texture.
Konery When we were at Victory Garden (home of our ice cream champion Sesame Mucho Miso Sundae) we were introduced to the Konery’s gluten-free cones. As someone who is gluten free, ice cream cones have been a thing of the past. We tried their gluten-free cardamom cone…yum. Konery sells boxes of the glutenfree goodies.
I scream, you scream, we are definitely screaming after all the “healthier” ice cream we’ve tasted…but enjoyed every bite.

What are your favorite healthy-ish frozen treats?


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