One of my many, many issues is that I’m fixated on betterment. This extends far beyond my own personal habits and diet. Truthfully, there are no limits. You think a certain hotel is amazing? I will have some ideas to make it better. You liked a book? I’ll explain how it could be tweaked and improved. My boys may ask me to check a math problem. Perhaps they got the correct answer but their handwriting? You get the picture. If I didn’t balance this exhausting tendency out with also being an avid complimenter nobody would want to come near me.
Sometimes I gather improvement ideas from others. Last month, I interviewed the inspiring Tricia Williams (perhaps you’ll recall her healthy donuts). She mentioned she enjoys “savory oatmeal with spinach, onions and shitakes”.  Oatmeal is typically sugar laden with maple or brown sugar, fruit, dried fruit or all of the above…but it doesn’t have to be. Your first meal of the really sets the tone for cravings and I encourage clients to curtail the sweetness. This means plain yogurt instead of flavored, smoothies with 1 fruit versus 3 but savory oatmeal? Genius.
Unlike Tricia, I’m a little too lazy and time-strapped (in her defense she saves this breakfast for the weekend) to sauté onions in the AM so I tried my hand at easy savory oatmeal options. First I paired 1 serving of oats with truffle salt, grated carrots (slightly sweet but not with the ingredients it was hanging with) and Kerrygold butter (photo above). I was sold
Then I bought this “cooking matcha” at Palais de Thes. Joanna, of office “snack queen” asked, “how is that different than regular matcha?” My reply “I have no idea but the tea lady sold me on it.” So into the oats went matcha, coconut oil and Himalayan salt.  I tasted it and it needed more flavor- so I minced some fresh ginger “sprinkles” and it was really good.
In our upcoming “Carb Riff” newsletter we’ll tell you about another exciting oatmeal to try but until then…savory oats it is. I’ll be tweaking my combos to make sure they get better and better.
Do you have “better” issues too? With all things or just certain things? Are you an oatmeal eater? Have you tried savory oats?


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