I am not easily impressed and rarely star struck. To me, people are people and famous or professionally successful are not attributes that will wow me at face value.  It’s only when meeting someone that I can really get a real sense. Is their eye contact or humor? Is someone quick to tell you who they are and what they know or are they curious about others? As I alluded to in the comments on Wednesday’s post, I had the opportunity to meet and talk with Dr Oz this week and let me tell you he is the real deal.
I’ll backtrack a little. I was invited with a group of about ten other women with blogs or representing various websites to help spread the word about Dr Oz’s Transformation Nation campaign. Transformation Nation is based on 7 steps to improve health including sleep, learning your families health history, connecting with your doctor and stress management. There’s also a million dollar prize involved. The plan was  to attend a taping of a show and then have a Q/A with the doctor. Yesterday morning we all assembled in the lobby of 30 Rock before heading upstairs to the studio. We boarded the peacock-carpeted elevator to the 6th floor. Once there, a comedian warmed up the audience comprised mostly of  middle-aged women in brightly colored sweaters. 
I can’t disclose much, until the show airs, about the exact content of the show but I’ll tell you the subject matter was right up my alley. After the taping we had a chance to sit down with Dr Oz. He greeted all of us and we took some quick photos. Then it was time for the questions. Transformation Nation pairs the Dr Oz Show with Weight Watchers and as I sat through the show the Weight Watchers mentions rubbed me the wrong way. Dr Oz’s nutrition advice focuses on whole foods and health and Weight Watchers on points calculated around calories.

At the risk of insulting Dr Oz, I had to ask about the partnership. Not one to hold back, I was the first to raise my hand and said “any reservations about teaming up with Weight Watchers?” Dr Oz raised his eyebrows and for that pause before he spoke I felt my heart race convinced I had said the wrong thing. He then explained that a lot of thought went into it. He hasn’t endorsed foods or products before. When they polled their viewers about who they trusted; they trusted WW.  No part of his answer was defensive or dismissive and I was left understanding the relationship and their need for Weight Watchers fire power. Relieved, I relaxed a little and jotted down notes from the other questions.

When asked about his diet Dr Oz says he eats the same breakfast every day (according to Monday’s post that would make him a boring eater). It’s Greek yogurt and blueberries and he clarified “low-fat not nonfat you shouldn’t eat nonfat dairy.” He has ½ green drink before the show and saves the other ½ for later. Dr Oz was asked about the HPV vaccine for boys (he’s in favor of it) and cleanses. He views cleanses as “a change to reboot taste buds” which I thought was a great way to describe it. When the topic of feeding children was brought up, Dr Oz mentioned the importance of repeated tries (12) with new foods and remarked “I don’t mind what they eat at 5 but what they eat at 35.” Dr Oz took his time answering each and every question. He gave examples, quoted articles. While I find it hard to read the paper some days, Dr Oz seemed as though he fits it all in. He came to the conversation as a doctor and a father and a husband much more that a TV personality. He was generous with his time and knowledge and, needless to say,  I was so impressed.
What impresses you when you meet someone new? What do you think of Dr Oz’s nutrition advice? Have you heard of Transformation Nation? If not, check it out and let me know what you think.


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