Foodtrainers® Starter Pack


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If you are new to vitamins or want to streamline your supplements, this bundle is for you. The terrific trifecta:

1. Double D’s - chances are you know Vitamin D is healthy but you’re likely not taking enough. Our Double D’s contain 5,000 IUs of Vitamin D3. Vitamin D helps boost immunity and mood, control appetite, and more. Take 1 tablet per day in the AM with food, specifically fat is needed to help absorb Vit D.

2. Multi-Probiotic 40 Billion - This is our primo probiotic with prebiotics. Multi-Probiotic 40 Billion contains the probiotic strains most associated with weight loss. A probiotic is important for mood (the majority of serotonin is produced in the gut), controlling sugar cravings, digestion and immunity. Best to take on an empty stomach - research has shown probiotics are better able to colonize overnight while the gut is not doing as much so we suggest taking it before bed. If you're new to probiotics start with 1 capsule, if taken before, 2 is the recommended dosage.

3. Chill Pills - Most people are deficient in magnesium due to changes in our soil content and stress. Stress depletes magnesium. And when magnesium is low, your metabolism suffers. Take 3 Chill Pills (300mg) at night to help you chill out and relax, to help you “go”, and to make sure that metabolism is humming along.
One bottle contains 120 capsules (40 servings)

When you purchase these supplements in bundle form you save versus purchasing them singularly.

*Please check with your physician before starting any new supplement, especially if you are on medication.


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