5 ingredients to make salad exciting

  In most cases, when people say they don’t like a certain food, it’s because they haven’t had a good version of that food. This is definitely the case with salad. If, in your mind, salad means a pile of ho-hum lettuce with bottled dressing, you...

Do you talk skinny and order fat?

The drive thru, can’t really be good, can it? Yesterday, I taped a segment for CBS (I am providing the link even though I look line a senior citizen). There are times I’m asked to do something in media and I pass either because of scheduling or if I feel...

Worlds Greatest Salad

My mother is a fantastic cook. Everything she makes is delicious and if something isn’t going well she knows just what to do to correct it. It is hard to find a measuring cup or spoon in her kitchen; she has a sort of cooking sixth sense and she rarely uses...


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