by Kayleen | Jun 7, 2020 | Foodtrainers' Blog
We’re so sorry if you’ve been out of your Chill Pills, CBD or Sweet Dreams, at a time like this. And though we’re lighthearted in our communication, in no way do we want to seem tone-deaf to everything that’s going on that’s scary and sad. But our Foodtrainers’...
by Kayleen | Jun 7, 2020 | Foodtrainers' Blog
Over the weekend, I posted on Instagram about exercise during the quarantine. While I avowed being streaky, with my workouts, the majority of commenters were regularly exercising. If you are exercising and eating well, let’s be sure you’re sleeping. Sleep is important...
by Kayleen | Jun 7, 2020 | Foodtrainers' Blog
I love, believe in, and support science. But sometimes, and I don’t want to sound like you-know-who, science can be slow. Last week, many of you sent links to a study on vitamin D and COVID-19. The study, led by researchers at Northwestern University, compared data...
by Kayleen | May 5, 2020 | Foodtrainers' Blog, Foodtrainers' Monthly Morsels
At a time when things feel bleak, taking care of yourself, and having a degree of success is still important.If quarantine were a few days or even a few weeks, we could all get away with indulgent eating. Even as certain states start to lift restrictions, most of us...
by Kayleen | Apr 27, 2020 | Foodtrainers' Blog
At a time when so many activities are off limits, it’s easy to take liberties with what’s still on the table. We’ve seen baking liberties, chip liberties, oh so many liberties. And while we are snack-loving at our core, even we’ve crossed the...
by Kayleen | Apr 27, 2020 | Foodtrainers' Blog, Foodtrainers' Monthly Morsels
We all like to think we’re super unique. But when it comes to nutrition, we’re pretty darn similar. In sessions with clients, the past few (ok 5!) weeks- certain patterns have emerged. If there’s one meal of the day that’s been consistently tricky, it’s...