Should I brag more?

Today is Day 1 of our pre-summer Squeeze week. Every day of the Squeeze participants receive a tip of the day. Today’s tip focused on affirmations. We asked everyone to complete the sentence I am __________. Our parameters were that it should be something positive but...

Take it With a Grain of Salt

I love blog requests, this came from a client last week:   I’d like to know what you think about salt.  My husband says I shouldn’t put it in anything, even when the recipe calls for it.  I know that my body reacts negatively to it and...

Foodtrainers Five Favorite Finds

This past Saturday I ran the Brooklyn Half Marathon. I could tell you that it was the first nice day we’ve had in NYC in what felt like weeks. I could tell you about spotting Marc a few times during the run and the fun finish on the Coney Island boardwalk near the...

How much water do you need?

On Monday I taped a segment with Dr Max Gomez, from CBS, on water. Two Foodtrainers’ clients participated. One is a triathlete who talked about nutrition for performance. The other a lawyer and frequent traveler talked about changes she’s seen from improved hydration....


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