There was recently an opinion piece published in the New York Times titled “Smash the Wellness Industry” that was sent to us, oh… 50 times? It clearly struck a chord, even with people who aren’t as embedded in the wellness industry as some of us.

So, we wanted to chime in with our two cents – well, maybe ten cents – and share what we think about the article. Because the conversation that the article starts is important, even if it doesn’t have all its facts about wellness or the wellness industry straight.

There are some genuine truths in there about the toxic relationship that many people have with their bodies, and there are certainly some bad actors in the industry, but we disagree with the core assertion that the wellness industry is about selling the idea that “thin is healthy and healthy is thin.”


Our hot take: Not all wellness experts or products are created equal. 

Like in any industry, there are some bad actors and there is a wide range in quality. There are predatory lawyers out there… but does that mean the entire legal profession should be dismantled? No!


Our hottest take: wellness is not, at its core, about weight loss.

Inflammation is not pseudoscience – it’s science – and using diet to treat dermatological issues, autoimmune issues, and GI issues isn’t something to be mocked. It’s powerful what food can do to improve someone’s health and experience, and that isn’t limited to (and doesn’t even have to involve) losing weight.

We firmly believe that (good) food is medicine, and that doesn’t mean the food has to be low on calories and fat.

But at the same time, there’s no reason to feel ashamed for wanting to lose weight. We shouldn’t let that become an unhealthy, loathsome relationship with food or our bodies – a trap that is, admittedly, easy for many of us to fall into – but that doesn’t mean we should demonize trying.




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