Happy New Year! Many of you are heading back to work after the holidays. We launched our green-a-day challenge, in today’s newsletter. If you aren’t getting our newsletter, please sign up to receive our updates and improve your health for the new year.

In terms of RAW (what we read, ate and watched), here’s what we were up to over the holidays:
READ- I set a goal to read 35 books for 2019, do you set these goals? It’s my first time. I’ve read 2 already. The Proposal- easy, light read, it will not change your life but it will keep you reading. And Cross Her Heart, this was a terrible thriller, a skip for sure.
ATE- I was at a soccer tournament, with my boys, in Orlando for 6 days. We filled up the rooms with Whole Foods goodness BUT I also had Panera, Chipotle and Chick Filet (I have to check spelling). I had “grilled” chicken nuggets which were “interesting”, it was after a late game, don’t judge. More on Miami eats coming soon.
WATCHED- I watched the first season of Marie Kondo on Netflix, while procrastinating with unpacking, which makes zero sense. There is something so captivating about her.

READ: The Mind-Gut Connection, I’m already obviously a super nerd about this stuff, being a Foodtrainer and all, but the way our gut feelings and emotions are connected to our literal gut health is incredible. The content is totally “digestible” (had to) for non-nutrition nerds too.

ATE: what didn’t I eat over the holidays? Oof. My fave was homemade cauli pizza crust, using only 5 ingredients. I have a ways to go to perfect it but I’ll be tweaking in the New Year.
I also ate at the new-ish Danny Meyer’s restaurant, Manhatta, one of my final & absolute favorite meals of 2018.

WATCHED: I’m having a music moment; saw Bohemian Rhapsody (loved) and have watched every Queen documentary since. I also really enjoyed the Elvis documentary.

And hey NYC – I’m also excited to be on this non-toxic panel at HATCH HQ on Thursday 1/10 at 630pm, Come join!

What did you read, eat or watch over the holidays? Anything we should check out? And please use hashtag #365green2019 as you green it up for the new year.


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