Coffee Drinkers, check your milk

  If you’ve read our blog/social media posts you know that we are decidedly pro coffee and matcha. We can totally geek out with coffee recipes, there’s our Boss coffee, we recently posted our frozen tahini latte and  our blender bulletproof matcha is coming your...

Rethinking Skim Milk

I went to college when “fat free” was all the rage.  Snackwells, skim milk and fro-yo were in. Avocado was out. As absurd as it sounds to recount this now, it’s even funnier to think that I was in New Orleans, land of beignets and muffaletas. Little did I know...

10 Allegedly Healthy Foods

( A far prettier version of this post appeared on Blisstree) I’ll bet my nutrition credentials that broccoli will remain in the good–for-you food group for eternity. Similarly, SPAM and Velveeta will always be unhealthy. Still, many foods aren’t solidly at...

Milk Matters

Last Friday we had a meeting with the head of my boys’ school. No, it’s not what you think; the Slayton silliness isn’t that out of hand. All is well in 1st and 3rd grades; we were meeting about nutrition. There are 4 of us, 3 RD’s and an MD, all moms’s at this UWS...


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