Friday Food News (boring title, oh well)

I am not one of those people who posts sick selfies and photos from medical appointments. It’s not that I’m above that. It’s more that a) when I’m sick I don’t have energy to curate my illness and b) I try to carry on with normal life as much as possible. Anyway, I...

There Are Bad Foods and Bad Kids Too

This “wonderful child” isn’t anyone I know I know there are some people who think all children are wonderful. After nine-plus years of parenting and plenty of play dates I know this is not true. There was one child who expressed his disappointment at...

Mrs Obama: Let’s Move to Shake Shack

The Washington Post reported earlier this week that Michelle Obama aka FLOTUS (First Lady of the United States though perhaps I am the only person who didn’t know this acronym) paid a visit to the new Washington D.C. Shake Shack. I learned of this through twitter and...

Who has the time?

Last week, I did a segment for a local TV show called Moms and the City. A study was released revealing that 40 percent of NYC kindergarteners are overweight or obese. Even more disturbing were the numbers for certain neighborhoods where over half the children were...

Sweet Little Lies

Have you seen the commercials for high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) on TV lately? In case you haven’t, I’ve provided the link. In the commercial, one mom questions another about a beverage with HFCS. The mother pouring the bright magenta beverage replies...


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