What to eat after antibiotics

My husband takes Advil like candy (and I’ll let you guess how much he listens to my warnings). I, on the other hand, don’t like to take any medicine. I was one of those ear infection kids, I don’t remember ever leaving the pediatrician without a script for bubble...

Rethinking Skim Milk

I went to college when “fat free” was all the rage.  Snackwells, skim milk and fro-yo were in. Avocado was out. As absurd as it sounds to recount this now, it’s even funnier to think that I was in New Orleans, land of beignets and muffaletas. Little did I know...

How much water do you need?

On Monday I taped a segment with Dr Max Gomez, from CBS, on water. Two Foodtrainers’ clients participated. One is a triathlete who talked about nutrition for performance. The other a lawyer and frequent traveler talked about changes she’s seen from improved hydration....


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