How Much? What type? What Time of Day?
We suggest 5,000 IUs of vitamin D3 per day. We have our Foodtrainers’ Double D supplement but we’re not yet back to shipping (email us and we’ll link you to our favorite brands you can order).
It’s better to take D daily versus the giant ,once per month doses some doctors recommend.
You want to take vitamin D in the morning, as it’s inversely related to melatonin. Some reports indicate it can adversely affect sleep, if you take it in the evening. And vitamin D needs fat (avocado, eggs, olive oil, nuts, seeds) to be absorbed. Take it with breakfast or at least a spoonful of MCT oil or nut butter.
Vitamin D can be difficult to get via diet alone. Possibly the best source of vitamin D is sunlight, so getting outside for at least 15 mins a day can be super beneficial to your vitamin D levels. But we know outside time, for many of you, is curtailed due to quarantine.
strong correlation between low vitamin D and reduced COVID-mortality. – typo?