Last week we talked about sugar and Halloween and, not to jump the Thanksgiving gun too much, but today we wanted to talk all things holiday. Where people can go wrong is that they can try to impose their day to day routine at an atypical time. This episode is all about planning so you can enjoy some holiday treats without going overboard.

Our first healthy tip is to have two A-game days in the week. This means your version of your best food and exercise days, for example, having a lot of vegetables, little to no alcohol and little to no carbs and grains. Mondays and Tuesdays are great days to do this.

We tend to have emotional associations with many holiday foods, so select a few treasured treats that you want to incorporate and dodge the things you’re not so interested in, like office treats. Also find the best version of the treats you love.

There are five things we really love to include to feel full, and these are:

  • Chia
  • Healthy fats like MCT and olive oil
  • Water
  • Top shelf vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, kale and cabbage)
  • Eggs


Our other holiday tips are: 

  • Make the most of your solo meals by eating slowly and without distractions
  • Move for your mood (doing at least 7500 steps per day with some elevation is great)
  • It’s fine to refuse food if you don’t want it
  • Alternate alcohol with water and limit drinks to 7 per week for men and 4 per week for women
  • Avoid the sweeter drinks and stick to tequila, mezcal, dry champagne or organic red wine
  • Don’t fill up on hors d’oeuvres


Secret weapons we recommend all year round, but especially this time of year are:


Lastly, this is our final episode of the podcast for a while. Carolyn is heading off to a new adventure in Denver, so it’s goodbye to her for now. If you want to give us a holiday present, rate the podcast, comment or subscribe. And visit us at to make sure you’re getting our newsletter. Thanks so much!




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