We sent out our Monday Morsels newsletter yesterday, and it’s a delicious one.

Salty or Sweet? Salty-sweet, of course.

Amazi Plantain Chips: In sessions we ask clients, “are you salty or sweet?” when it comes to food. The best answer, and our answer, is BOTH.
These plantain chips check those boxes and the crunchy box too. We’re fans of plantains as they are prebiotics, meaning they feed the probiotics in your digestive tract. These Amazi chips have only 3 ingredients: plantains, olive oil and salt. They’re paleo friendly and gluten free. They’re the perfect crouton-esque crunch in salads, but you can also dunk them in guac or just reach your hand in the bag.

Rosemary Maple & Sea Salt Almonds: The chili lime cashews from Nuts+Nuts are our best seller, and we’re positive their new rosemary maple & sea salt almonds will follow suit. They’re the perfect travel or afternoon snack, or party appetizer. We suggest putting half the bag in your nutcase. Warning, you may never want to eat plain old almonds again.
Vegan Salted Maple Pecan (6 pack - $2.99/bar)

Salted Maple Pecan YES Bars: We always have a protein bar in stock for clients, but to be honest, we don’t eat them that often. Well that’s changed. The Salted Maple Pecan YES bar won all of us over and are flying off the shelves. These saved the day for us in Alaska while our colleagues were having Cinnabon for breakfast. Grab a box for summer travel or pantries. YES YES YES! 

Having the right snacks on hand can save you from overindulging. Make sure you have a healthy snack before a party, BBQ, wedding or other celebration. Stock up in our shop here.

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