Nonreligious Lent Take 8

Carolyn and I were brought together by Lent. I noticed that nothing helped clients adhere to a rule like they did during Lent. Truthfully, having not grown up with Lent, or even really knowing what it was, I was jealous of their resolve. And so Foodtrainers’...

Superfruits or Super hype?

Source: NY Times, is this in your fruit bowl? Recently, I was contacted by one of my favorite writers who was working on a story about superfruits.  She asked me if I had time for an interview and said “I’ll be talking to some hard core sciencey types, but...

I’m Glowing

It was the Friday after the Friday after Thanksgiving. I was at Whole Foods Market stocking up for our first of many trips to Vermont for the season. Aside from produce and meal staples I had to get everyones favorite goodies. I had Bear Naked Fit vanilla granola for...

Rainy Day Rations

It’s raining today in NYC and with the exception of a brief break on Wednesday; it’s been raining off and on all week. I’m usually more than happy to put my complaining hat on but the rain bothers me far less than it once did. A couple of incidents are responsible for...


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