Jena Kingsley is a writer, comic, and lover of dysfunctional things. We’re going to talk about fun things like coronavirus, the Goop Netflix show (we all have thoughts), and being new to the health game.

The Beginner’s Mind

It’s fun talking to someone who doesn’t know it all when it comes to nutrition and health! It reminds us of the questions most people have out there, and why this topic can be so hard to approach. When Jena first started trying to cut sugar out of her diet, she saw that as the obvious ones — candy, dessert, chocolate, cake — and she didn’t realize that it also involved taking sugar out of her diet in other areas, such as white flour, ketchup, and more. There is merit in just taking out the more obvious ones, but if you’re really trying to kick that habit, it’s good to be aware of ALL the places sugar might be.


Coronavirus Panic

We live in such a negative news cycle that we’ve all kind of been conditioned to downplay bad news. Is coronavirus one of those things we should just brush off, or should we really be worried? Well, you definitely shouldn’t ignore it completely. If you’re planning to travel, make sure to check out our healthy travel episode for some go-to tips for sanitation. Keep your immune system in tip-top shape with plenty of sleep, hydration, and healthy eating.



By now you’ve probably heard about Gwyneth Paltrow’s new Netflix series, Goop, where each episode explores one semi-obscure wellness topic, from controlled hallucinogenics to psychics. It’s explored with a bit of skepticism, but also a bit of a bias towards validating whatever it is they’re highlighting. There seems to be a lot of hate around the show, but we all really like it!




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