The latest trend in the health and wellness world is taking TikTok by storm – taking olive oil shots! We’re diving into the science behind this trend, discussing dosage and the best sources of olive oil.

First things first, let’s talk about the benefits of extra virgin olive oil. Did you know that it helps the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K more efficiently? It also lowers rates of inflammation, helps with cognition and memory, and even contributes to a healthy microbiome. One study even found that it improves constipation and can aid with weight loss by suppressing the appetite and regulating blood sugar.

But here’s the thing, to reap all these benefits, you need to consume a fairly hefty amount of olive oil. The quantity showing the most benefit is 4 tablespoons of olive oil. For all different conditions and applications, you need a fairly hefty amount of olive oil to reap the benefits. So, a shot of olive oil can help you ensure you’re getting some olive oil daily consistently. If you’re new to this trend, we suggest starting with ½ to 1 tbsp.

Now, let’s talk about grades and types of olive oil. When it comes to taking olive oil shots, you want to use extra virgin olive oil. This is the highest-grade olive oil, no solvents are used and it avoids high-heat manufacturing processes that can destroy the delicate fatty acids and nutrients in the oil. There’s also just virgin olive oil and refined olive oil, but for the best health benefits, stick with extra virgin.

Another important factor to consider when choosing your olive oil is polyphenols. These are how plants defend themselves and they’re found in olive oil, coffee, chocolate, and many other healthy foods. Many olive oil companies list the polyphenol count, and the better brands that report the most health benefits have triple that of regular supermarket brands. So, the higher the polyphenol count, the more disease-fighting, anti-inflammatory benefits.

Whether you’re a seasoned olive oil shot taker or just looking to try something new, we hope this episode has given you some valuable information on the benefits, dosage, and best sources of olive oil.

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