Four Vitamins Everyone Should Take

There are the vitamin addicts, if you have a shelf or more of supplements, that’s you. And then there are the dont-take-ums. If a client takes dozens of supplements, we’ll usually streamline things. But if you’re not taking anything, you probably...

Which Superfoods are Worth Your While?

 Nobody likes to myth bust more than I do. And so, when I recently spoke to Domino magazine about superfoods (and affordable substitutes) I was ready to offer full-on snark. However, as I reviewed each item on the list, I was reminded that many of these foods are...

Is All Fish Healthy?

Do these look like happy fish? It bothers me that people are confused about what to eat. I take pride in distilling intricate nutrition information into something straight forward and easy to follow. For today’s blog, my plan was to explain the differences...


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