Lynn’s Life Grain-Free Bread Mix


Only 4 left in stock

It's seems like the never ending hunt to find a good bread, free of an unnecessary added ingredients. We’re thrilled to stock what we consider the healthiest bread around - Lynn’s Life Bread Mixes. Bake your own delicious loaf of bread that is grain free, gluten free, nut free, and paleo/keto friendly. You'll also need avocado/coconut/olive oil, egg whites, unsweetened milk of your choice (we recommend almond), baking soda, and lemon juice. Easy to whip together and then bake for 90 minutes! Refrigerate up to 5 days and/or slice and freeze!

Ingredients: pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, ground flaxseed, psyllium husk, himalayan salt (all ingredients are Non-GMO)


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