Sometimes you need a snack that’s a little more exciting than almonds and a little more convenient than crudité. That’s where nutrition bars come in. But there’s a lot of smoke and mirrors in this category (ahem Qu*$! Bar).
Whether you’re at the airport or Whole Foods, keep your eyes peeled for one of Foodtrainers’ Top 10 Nutrition Bars.
The Best Bars
1. Yes Bar: We look at ingredients first, and for that reason we say YES YES YES. If you haven’t tried the new flavors, you should say Yes too.
2. RX bar: There is a lot of label mumbo jumbo. Our favorite nutrition claim of all is “No B.S.” front and center on RX labels.
3. Perfect Bar: You’ll find some companies have different nutrition facts for different flavors. Our “perfect” perfect bar is the cranberry crunch flavor.
4. Health Warrior Chia Bar: Health Warrior recently came out with new chia protein bars, but we’re married to the mini. It’s an oldie but a goodie.
5. CLIF nut butter filled bar: Finally, CLIF answered our protein prayers by creating a soy-free bar. Even better, they filled it with nut butter!
6. Elemental Superfood Seedbar: This was the most talked about bar at The Fancy Food Show and after sampling, we understand why.
7. Wilde bars: For jerky enthusiasts Wilde Bars provide a paleo, protein boost.
8. Zing Bar: If you’re not hardcore healthy, Zing bars are a great gateway bar. Zing always feels like a sweet treat, without too much sweet.
9. Yawp!: If you love an old school granola bar, try YAWP! They’re like a grown-up, made over Nature’s Valley bar.
10. Go Raw Spirulina bar: You knew we’d have a green bar for you, Go Raw’s sprouted spirulina bar is our green pick.
And… if Summer sloppiness is getting you down, a week of Strict Foodstalking starts Monday! If you’re a Foodtrainers’ client, email us to get started, if you’re not yet, fill out this form and we will stalk you back into shape.