There I am unibrow, frizz and all.
In my head, I am the type of girl who camps. After all, I love travel and the outdoors. I did Semester at Sea in college and some of my best memories are sleeping out on the deck at night in a sleeping bag or exploring a new country with a small backpack and not much else. Today we’re on our way to Yellowstone National Park we’re we will be camping for the next week but I’m thinking I’m not really the camping type, maybe I’ve changed. And I realize I’m not off on a solo expedition to Antarctica, so why the nerves?
It’s not the food, the outfitter we’re going with is known to have delicious meals. I feel comfortable navigating most food situations and I informed them I’m wheatless and that will not be a problem. I’ll also have some EBoost, wild salmon jerky Hail Merry, Cocochia, Bars (Pure and Zing) with us for hikes and bike rides.

So what is it, you may be wondering that’s making me apprehensive?
First, I know how to ride a bike but I am not someone who grew up riding a bike to friend’s houses. I have a bike I purchased this summer to brush up and I’ve been on it a bit but not on roads with major hills and possibly cars. I’m fine skiing and running and hiking for hours but the biking thing is throwing me off. Let’s hope it’s “just like riding a bike”.
Second, as natural and wholesome as the food I cook and select is I’m really not au naturel in general. The hair isn’t wash and go, more like blow dry and flat iron. Even though I don’t wear a lot of make up, other than when exercising, I don’t really go without it. And I’m tight with my magnifying mirror. Can one tweeze in a tent?
While we travel a fair amount, I’ve come to realize I replicate my comfort zone in most places. I’ve found juice shops in Europe (hard but they’re there) and organic food in New Orleans. As you may know, I have a collection of coolers for transporting food and a jar of strong, fair trade ground coffee comes to most hotel rooms. This trip I will not be able to seek things out, it is what it is coffee and all.
My favorite antidote to trepidation is neurotically over-preparing so that’s what I’ve done. I have travel sized everything (unscented because bugs like scents). I have dry shampoo, every version of a wipe including one from MD Skincare that “cleanses, tones and moisturizes”. I have Zyflammend nighttime to help me sleep (another fear, tent sleeping), I have a backup phone battery and a solar powered charger thingy despite the lack of cell service. Plus bug stuff, altitude stuff, cut stuff. And because 10 trips to Patagonia and Eastern Mountain Sports didn’t completely calm me, I googled. I googled camping hair and “tying a bandana” (never can get it right), if only there was an online camping therapy site, I would’ve signed up.
So why did I plan this trip I’m clearly not cut out for? Because part of me thought it sounded beyond amazing and though time has passed since my outdoorsy days, I haven’t changed all that much. I recall wearing wedge sneakers as I trekked through the Blue Mountains in India way back when. I couldn’t resist these, campfire chic.
Do you like to camp? Any advice? Anything you’ve done lately you were nervous about? 
I’ll post in a week (no computer in the tent) and have lots of fun posts coming in September.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. My mother saw and said “who needs to look nice?”


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