The Squeeze Green Cauli Rice Recipe

This week at Foodtrainers is ALL SQUEEZE EVERYTHING! As Lauren mentioned earlier this week, we are busy cooking, mantra-ing, and hydrating with our official Foodtrainers Flasks. All Squeeze participants receive a package of “secret weapon” ingredients and a rulebook...

What clean eating means to me

Add some more protein, maybe dark chocolate and avocado I’d like to think I have a good handle on nutrition news. I may skip some of the endless, depressing political articles but I read the food-related ones. There was an article in the Guardian that I...

Have you seen What the Health? I say WTF.

I love a good, food documentary and my clients do too. For some reason, a film seems to stick with you longer or make more of an impression than an article or even a food-related book. And so, when client after client asked if I’d seen What the Health, I had to...

Is this sabotaging your weight loss?

sometimes yes, sometimes noI’ve spent hundreds, maybe even thousands of hours uttering phrases like, “stop beating yourself up” or “don’t be so hard on yourself.” And, chances are, I’ll happily spend thousands more. Not only...

Six Years

Six years ago today, I was sitting in this same office chair and heard the news.I then sat on the floor of a satellite room at the funeral site because the main room was filled to capacity. I miss you.Reposting this, I wrote it 6 years ago and it all has stuck. I...

This summer’s “it” food

Get these from our Foodtrainers’ shop while they last (or before we eat them all).Whether you’re paleo or gluten free (or neither), many of us are conscious of decreasing our grain intake. We’ve noticed a wave of products and restaurants filling the...


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