I confess.  When I have to run out and walk the dog I’ll grab whatever is closest to the door. The results aren’t pretty. I may be in my husband’s flip flops or my 12 year olds sweatshirt. Despite the fact that I am the one leaving the house at the undesirable hour or in inclement weather, nobody in the family likes me wearing their stuff. “Why did you have to wear my sweatshirt mom?” I wanted to put that out there, to be fair, after I heard that Bethenny Frankel Instagrammed a photo of herself in her 4 year olds pajamas. As if the unfortunate outfit wasn’t enough the caption read “ think we’re ready to share clothes yet?”
I am open minded, I have no issue with the word skinny or skinniness. I even have fond memories of an impressive hello kitty collection (in second grade) but to answer Bethenny’s rhetorical and ridiculous question. No. Bethenny it’s not ok to share clothing with a pre-k child. And even when your child is 10 or 12 or 16 it is usually the child that borrows from the parent….unless you’re going to walk the dog. Wait, Bethenny you have a dog. Maybe you can try on her coat and post a picture for us to see.
What do you think about this? Dress up or disaster? 


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