I’m not a hugger (and how this can help you)

Call her my girl crush, idol or obsession; whichever word you use- I love Nora Ephron. I love her writing and movies, how much she loved NYC and, most importantly, her feelings about egg white omelets. I admire her so much I felt “bad about my neck” years before I...

Non-Religious Lent for All

I love Lent. This sounds odd with good reason. First, as I’ve mentioned before, with the exception of culinary traditions, I am areligious. Second, my birth religion was not Catholicism but even I know that Lent is a time of sacrifice. So why the love? I love Lent...

Culinary Jew

Let’s play a little game. If you’re atoning chances are you will not be reading this post anyway. When I say religion, what’s the first thing you think of? If church, temple or services came to mind, you and I are different (and that’s ok). If...


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