When it comes to your health, the topic of alcohol can be quite popular—and controversial. How much drinking is okay for a healthy lifestyle? Or should it be cut out completely?

We like the concept of “Damp January.” Some people practice “Dry January,” where they cut out all alcohol from their life for the month, but “damp” means cutting back. It’s important to look at the role that alcohol plays in our lives and our health, and to be honest about our consumption and how it fits into our lives—and our diets.

Let’s say this upfront: The best amount of alcohol is none. At the same time, it’s a part of our culture, it can be relaxing or romantic, and it can just be pleasant. We need to look at it for what it is and weigh the pros and cons.

If you’re considering doing a “damp” challenge, here are some parameters you can use to help guide you:

  • No drinks from Monday – Thursday
  • Setting a budget of one, two, or three drinks per week
  • No drinking in the house—only socially
  • One and done. Only one drink per night
  • No mixers


Show your liver some love

Your liver is going to take the brunt of your alcohol consumption, so even if you continue to drink in moderation, these are some things you do to help support your liver:

  • B-Vitamins
  • Liver-protecting vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, bok choy, cabbage, kale
  • NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine)
  • Green tea
  • Dandelion

And here are some things you should avoid:

  • Sugar
  • High-fructose corn syrup
  • Bad oils
  • Birth control pills

There are plenty of reasons to consider cutting back on alcohol use, but like sugar, we recommend moderation and intentional consumption in order to live your best life.




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