Cancer is one of the great tragedies of our world. The rate and risk of cancer from your mid-40’s onward begins to skyrocket. What can we do to increase our odds of dodging this terrible disease?

Oncology is not our specialty here at Foodtrainers, but we have come across it before. Once diagnosed with cancer, patients are typically willing to do anything and everything. We implore you to start thinking about what you can do preemptively and we’ll be offering some things you can incorporate into your life.

Books/Videos we recommend:


Why weight loss may help with cancer reduction:

  • Fatty tissue can lead to inflammation
  • Excess weight affects your hormone levels
  • High insulin doubles cancer risk
  • Sugar is also a major risk factor


It’s important to note there are unhealthy ways to lose weight. Don’t pick up one risky behavior to avoid another.


Food and supplements we recommend:


Nutrition advice is often left out of traditional cancer treatment or completely outdated. It is important to find advice that integrates less traditional approaches with the most cutting edge western medicine.




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