Clean wine has been trending lately as a healthier way to enjoy wine. You know that we love wine here at Foodtrainers, and any way to make that healthier is worth exploring in our book!

In the name of research, we did a clean wine taste test. But what is “clean wine,” exactly? In our research, clean wine:

  • Uses organic grapes
  • Contains no unnecessary ingredients
  • Is often lower in sugar
  • Is vegan/Kosher
  • Offers more transparency

The definition is not legally enforceable, so whatever you do, you still have to do your research. Check your ingredients and look into the company making it before you make a purchase.

Our taste test ended up with mixed results. Between the two of us, we rarely agreed on the quality or taste, without a real trend showing.

So, are clean wines a yay or stay away? It’s hard to say yay if something isn’t super tasty, and considering that the clean wine term is so debatable, we’re inclined to give it a hesitant yay. It’s good to try and make informed choices when you can and this may be a step in the right direction, but you’ll have to do your own research to see if it’s a worthy tradeoff for you.



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