80. Spilling the Tea on Tea

Today’s episode is all about tea. We are fascinated by rituals and habits, and tea just feels right at home in our daily lives as a way to provide comfort and warmth. It can also be a great replacement ritual—we prefer substitution to abstinence in most cases, and tea...

79. Should We Stop Drinking Alcohol?

We all know how bad heavy drinking is for your body, your brain, your cancer risk, and more. But while moderate alcohol consumption is still widely accepted, how much damage is it doing to us? Is it enough for us to stop drinking altogether? Huberman Lab had an...

78. Food and Relationships

We’re going to talk about relationships and how they affect our eating. Whether it’s physical attraction, eating habits, or getting on the same page about health and fitness goals, being in a relationship plays a big role in our weight and diet.   We discuss an...

77. Are You Getting Enough Protein?

When we’re talking about what we put into our bodies, there’s one thing that gets lost in the discussion between fats and carbs and keto, and that’s protein. Not getting enough protein is one of the things that can begin to impede weight loss, especially as you get...


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