that’s my little bamboo number lurking

The scale is a tricky thing. Some people are bff’s with the scale, get together daily and enjoy its feedback. Others are highly sensitive to the scale’s information, it has the power to ruin a day, or even a week. I’m bi-scaleual? I’ve had times when I pop on each morning and others where I don’t feel its necessary. I know this will fly in the face of intuitive eating but I think you can benefit from the scale, to some degree.
Our clients have us weight them (facing away from the numbers) so we can track their numbers. I have friends who have personal trainers to monitor things. I know you may be thinking jeans don’t lie but they fib. Your jeans may be a little different without you noticing. 
On a personal note, my weight is fairly stable. I will tell you that my first visit with bamboo (see above) was mildly shocking. I was up four from my typical number. A long distance Foodstalking client summed it up yesterday, On our Monday food log we say “starting weight if you’re a weigher.” This client emailed me her Monday weight and said “and I have to weigh myself. Remember when I stopped? That is when it started coming on because I thought I was lighter than I was.”

If the scale will send you over the edge, ignore what I’m saying. But if your behaviors have been a little off and you’re open to it, see what the scale says. Oh and it’s not broken.


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