Yesterday, a client walked in for her session and the first thing out of her mouth was “what do you think of Jennifer Hudson’s weight loss?” The truth is, I had some thoughts on her massive weight loss but diplomatically deflected asking my client what she thought. She said “she was this seemingly confidently curvy woman and then lost all this weight.” I joked and compared it to a person who gives the impression they love their large nose and then has a nose job. It leaves you thinking perhaps they didn’t love it as much as they said they did.
I did a little google-ing and found that many people are happy for Jennifer, they think she looks great, are impressed with her weight loss post pregnancy and generally wish her well. There is though, along the lines of what my client mentioned, this undercurrent that she was a “real woman” before and “real women have breasts and curves.” This logic would categorize me as not especially real and I don’t necessarily subscribe to bigger or curvier being better. I can understand though how Jennifer before appeared she was not trying to fit a mold and Jennifer now seems molded. Sure, Jennifer doesn’t have an obligation to larger women to stay heavy, she isn’t the pudgy poster child but I think I wanted to believe she was “happy at any size” even if she is probably healthier now.
I also can’t help but connect the tragedy Jennifer experienced and her weight loss. This is complete speculation but in my experience, grief and loss often has one of two effects on weight. Either people turn to food for comfort, to numb some of the pain or they control their food. Perhaps Jennifer, though a Weight Watchers spokesperson, is exercising control of her food after life seemed so out of control. If that’s the case let’s watch out for too much weight watching, if you know what I mean.
Finally, and I know I am going to get myself in a little trouble here and that’s ok,is it terrible to say that some people look better heavier? We can look at Star Jones and now at Jennifer Hudson and if I had to be superficial and choose before or after, I would go with before. Shoot me.
What do you think of Jennifer Hudson’s weight loss? Do you tend to overeat or under eat when emotionally stressed? And do you think some people look better heavier?
As someone who has struggled with being overweight most of their life, I can never applaud someone for being overweight. I could certainly never tell them they were "better" that way. I would be it was her confidence before her family was killed that drew people to her spirit and now she's a little beaten down. But let's be excited for her! This is a huge loss she has overcome. I think if she lost a little more weight or toned up then she would really be making people eat their words for telling her to be fat again. 😉 lol
Christian, very good points. I tend to always question "fit and fat" or whether people are happier heavier. I think, with Jennifer, you bring up a great point that her spirit seemed different before the tragedy and that's not necessarily anything to do with weight. Anyone who can pull the pieces together after what she's been through deserves credit, weight is secondary.
The nose analogy is an apt one. And some people do look better with their old nose (I'm looking at you, Jennifer Grey).
I'm really glad for Jennifer for attaining her weight goals. But it does make me sad that there aren't any "healthy but heavy" role models. There's a lot of body diversity in this world, but very little body diversity in what we see as acceptable. I'd love to see someone who says, "I eat very well, exercise frequently, and I don't have a stick-thin body." Jennifer Hudson used to fit that bill. While I'm concerned about the obesity crisis in the US, I"m also concerned about the "skinny, regardless of health" message that's out there as well.
I have to jump in here because I don't see her as "skinny". I see her still with lovely womanly curves AND someone who seems fit… am I missing something?
I can see where both Marie and Margery are coming from. On one hand, size 2 or 4 (or 6 as Jennifer is now) isn't by any means the size every fit, athletic and healthy woman should be. On the other hand Margery, even though Jennifer still has some curves, she lost 80 pounds. She isn't the size 16 woman she once was and interesting what her motivation was for such a drastic change.
So random that this conversation would happen today, but I just had a group of girls in my office talking about the show Glee. Last night's episode was a re-run, and the girls in my office were commenting on how skinny the entire cast looks now compared to last season. We pulled up pics on the internet, and sure enough, the whole cast has shrunk. Several of the girls have the dreaded lollipop head look, and the actress who played the heavier girl has dropped pounds too. The girls in my office pointed out that the female actors on the show don't look healthy, just skinny. I'm glad that these girls can tell the difference.
She looks good either way, there is NOTHING good about being obese/big or whatever you call it. People need to realize that, before they begin to have many health problems as they grow older. As long as she is happy , So am I, what anyone else feels about her weight loss means absolutely nothing. I'm sure she couldn't care less…
Thank you for your comment. I agree with you that we should all take control of our health before problems set in. I guess the question is regarding the happy part. Did JH start on her weight loss journey when she was unhappy? Does the weight loss make her happier? Perhaps. I don't think we'll have the answers to that but speculating about the rationale is interesting to me; I guess that's why I have a nutrition blog. I would agree Jennifer Hudson shouldn't and likely doesn't care about what we here have to say about her weight. However, since she is in the spotlight others, like my client I mentioned, will look at her weight loss and react to it based on their own experiences and journey.
she never once said she was unhappy. she's been through hell and back, and is doing the best she can as far as I , and anyone else not close to her can tell..
So, this just popped up on my radar and made me think of this blog post.
my previous roommate is technically obese but she is way more "fit" than I am. any thoughts?
Great post! Lots of great information. Really like your blog. So glad that I found it.
This was a great post!