“Where do you find these things” a client… well in all honesty my mother asked when I handed her my latest discovery. It’s an interesting question, especially interesting coming from my mother whom I only gave my latest discovery to because a) she is not a client b) loves great food and makes even greater food and c) has zero interest in anything overtly healthy…especially in a package. So…if my mother, who has zero interest in anything overtly healthy but knows what’s tasty, likes one of my discoveries, chances are others will too.
Anyway, where was I? Oh, yes, I was going to describe how we locate our Foodtrainers’ Finds, the foods (I hate to call them products) we suggest to our clients and peddle in our offices. The truth is, we have to do the food-equivalent of kissing many frogs. A lot of what is sent to us or we find in stores or at shows tastes like….well let’s just say you’d probably rather kiss an actual frog versus eating them. But every so often, the healthy food-equivalent of a prince comes into our lives and we fall in love.
I am in love. I am in love with what may be my favorite new snack of the year. I am in love with a cookie, but not just any cookie, it’s a Kookie Karma. Kookie Karma (kookiekarma.com) comes in many delicious flavors but I have never been one to play around (high school friends shush), I have only one prince and my prince is named Holistic Chocolate Chip. He, I mean it is “vegan, gluten free, high protein, no soy, low-glycemic and low net carbs.” It comes dressed in a handsome brown and white package (did you know my wedding colors were brown and white, truth). Even with all these outward attributes, we all know you can’t judge a book by its cover (though I still pick the wine with the prettiest label). So how does it taste? By now, at the end of this love letter, you’ve probably guessed that I wouldn’t be gushing about a kookie if it didn’t taste good. And you’re right, it’s what’s inside that counts. And what’s inside is a dense, delicious, slightly coconut, moist creation that you will fall in love with too.
And as much as I’d like to end this post by telling you that my mother fell in love with the same prince I did (or some less Mackenzie Phillips-esque version of that)….at press time she said she forgot the kookie was in her purse!
To order kookies from Foodtrainers please email info@foodtrainers.net or check kookie karma’s site for retailer information.
What is your favorite new snack?
my favorite snacks right now? apples from my favorite spot in iowa city – wilson's apple orchard.