Lauren and I hit Austin TX for the PaleoFX conference last month. We have gotten expert-level at exploring new(ish) cities together (or apart – see London, Nashville), and it doesn’t hurt that we both love all things tex-mex. Austin is the coolest – from avocado margaritas to CBD-everything… maybe our new slogan should be ‘A margarita a day keeps the doctor away’? We actually have a new tequila-friendly slogan coming on our summer totes soon, we can’t wait to share with you.

So,here were our favorite Austin finds.

PICNIK: we were barely off the plane when we went to our #1 suggested destination: Picnik. We ordered Mayan Mocha & Candy Cane Mocha bulletproof coffees (as good as they sound) and eggs and were powered up for the day.

ODD DUCK: we loved it so much, we almost went back the next day. Shared plates and palomas on tap with salt foam? One of the best meals we’ve had on the road, and it didn’t hurt that it was absolutely gorgeous.

THE ORIGINAL WHOLE FOODS: It’s nothing so innovative but worth a stop to see where the Whole Foods revolution began….

CURCUMA: we hunted down this totally-turmeric food truck for iced golden milk with CBD. A little out of the way but worthwhile.

JUICE SOCIETY: Ginger shots and breakfast bowls, we were full for days

FLOWER CHILD: If you’re looking for basics when you travel, flower child is the spot. I just got veggie sides, at this point Lauren and I were switching off eating places 🙂

HOTEL SAN JOSE: where we’d stay next time.



  • Walk South Congress Ave, we loved this side of town

We didn’t get an official workout but walked about 15k steps a day (!!) in between PaleoFX info sessions. Lauren wrote up our Top 10 Tips from PaleoFX here.

As for night life…we were usually in bed but did hit Rainey Street and a few fun bars.

A few other spots we didn’t get to go to, but heard great things about:

  • Casa de luz
  • Juiceland
  • Mother’s café
  • Kerbey lane
  • Thai fresh
  • Fareground
  • Salty sow
  • Snap kitchen
  • Dai due
  • Citizen eatery
  • Barley swine
  • People’s Rx
  • Uchi
  • Greater goods

Have you been to Austin? Anything else we missed?


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