See that beautiful drink posted above? It’s called a Shamrock Shake and I deserve zero credit for it. I read about this shake in a fantastic blog post on The shake has two of my favorite things in it avocado and mint, it’s dairy free and delicious. Instead of posting the recipe I encourage you to read the post and enjoy the back story. Since I  am 0% Irish (though many other things)  and already shared one brilliant green recipe that wasn’t mine, here are a few more:

These are kale chips. This recipe calls for Tuscan kale a variety that works well raw or cooked. These chips are a home run, a way to get non kale eaters to change their ways.
I love all Spring vegetables but artichokes and asparagus top my list. Artichokes are one of those foods I think some people are scared to cook. This baked artichoke recipe is incredibly easy.
And finally, because it is St Patricks day after all,  a green cocktail
You can replace vermouth with creme de menth in a martini or combine good tequila with melon liquer and lime juice. Avoid any drinks with sodas or juices but experiment and have fun.

What are your favorite green foods? Green Recipes?


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