Thank you. On Monday, I floated it out there that I needed help deciding on the cover for my book The Little Book of Thin (I received a few emails that I had not mentioned the book enough, just wait). Your comments came in via the blog and Facebook and I was overwhelmed by the detail of your descriptions. The cover decision has been made and I think you’ll like it. As a display of my gratitude, I thought had to say thank you with food and tell you about my favorite new product Chia Pods from the Chia Co.

When I asked you to judge my book by its cover, I confessed to being a sucker for packaging…on anything. Today’s product totally measures up. At first glance the pods are adorable but there’s more to them than cuteness. The containers are also made with 30% recycled content and they’ve included a travel spoon. When our samples arrived at the office, Carolyn snapped the photo above with “A+ for creativity” as the caption, agreed. But as much as I love good design and pretty packages, is there anything worse that something subpar wrapped up beautifully?

Often we look at products and there’s a but, this is great but too much sugar or this is great but not gluten free or it’s a pity this isn’t single serving. There’s no but here. These pods are gluten free, non-GMO, made with a few quality ingredients and no added sugar, vegan, kosher and…incredibly tasty. There are no nasty secrets lurking in the pod.
In case you and chia, the main ingredient in the pods, haven’t spent a lot of time together let me explain why that should change. Chia is a seed that looks similar to a sesame seed. Chia seeds contain good fats (both omega 3 and omega 6); it’s high in fiber or, as Chia Co. says “aids regularity” and it’s great for athletes both for an energy boost and joint health. When chia is digested it absorbs 16 times its weight in water, this makes chia a natural appetite suppressant.
The Chia Pods combine chia, coconut milk and fruit- that’s it. Perhaps you’re familiar with chia pudding? This is ready-to-eat chia pudding made by the largest producers of premium quality chia. They’re made  in four flavors, banana, mango, vanilla bean cinnamon and blueberry. It’s a new breakfast option or a cold and creamy (but creamless) snack or, if you’re desserty, it’s that too. I’m excited because it’s not just a new product; it’s really a whole new concept. I know you have high standards and I promise these pods will measure up. Let’s hope my book does too.
Have you seen these at Whole Foods Market? Do you “chia”? What do you do with it?


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