The few posts I’ve done on celebrities and their weight always seem to elicit a certain number of responses along the lines of “we shouldn’t talk about other people’s weight” or “we should focus on their work”. If you share this view, I apologize this post is not for you. I am intrigued by weight loss and weight gain. Celebrities are well documented and weight can be traced along with fashion highs and lows and unfortunate “procedures” (poor Courtney Cox couldn’t leave well enough alone). I found myself thinking about a status update from my friend Meg, who said I could use her name. She wrote:
“Love Kate Middleton but isn’t she moving from bridal skinny to a bit scary skinny? Or am I just jealous of what appears to be an ever-shrinking waist?”
Back in May, I wrote about my royal wedding “binge”. So many people, like me, were sort of transfixed by this woman who seemed (and seems) to be a perfect princess now Duchess. Like my friend Meg, I too am a Kate fan. She’s likeable with her wide smile, poise and the way she looks lovingly at William. I had thought it was my professional bias but I had keyed in on Kate’s weight loss. When I read Meg’s comment and the comments on her comment I realized many people have noticed Kate’s incredibly shrinking waist. In her recent California visit, Nicole Kidman and Reece Witherspoon looked downright chubby next to Kate. The Daily Mail entitled one article “the waist that made Nicole Kidman look dumpy.”
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The “Whistles” outfit, thoughts? |
This is all speculation and nobody knows the reason behind Kate’s weight loss other than her. Having said that, I’m full of curiosity. Sure Kate is the picture of composure, perfectly dressed and coiffed. She appears to be at ease with public appearances but can you imagine the attention? In my “research” I have read posts about the hose Kate, as a royal, is required to wear, her workouts at a private gym and boatloads about her, somewhat dowdy if you ask me, Whistles outfit for her final event Stateside. When billions of people are scrutinizing you, can anyone (or any female) be immune? We know about Diana’s eating disorder and Fergie was rudely nicknamed “the Duchess of Pork” so maybe weight issues and the Windsor family go hand and hand.
I asked my friend Meg for permission to use her comment and she added:
And I keep thinking about it, I loved that she was kind of a (extra pretty) regular girl and now she looks like she could slip through a subway grate. I also wonder if I’m jealous of her thinness in a kind of a triggering way…like maybe when a friend loses a lot of weight and suddenly you see her differently…it’s rife.
I don’t see this exactly as Meg does but agree that, in the past, Kate looked like a lean, athletic and “regular” girl (who happens to be almost 6 feet tall). She had just right look where few would argue she had to lose or gain weight. This weight loss to be reminds me of Jennifer Hudson though the two started with very different physiques. Despite how seemingly comfortable these women were prior to being in the spotlight, something changed. Let’s hope for Kate it was just a visit to Hollywood and nothing more. I doubt it though.
What do you think of Kate’s weight loss? Do you may attention to celebrity’s weight? Do you agree that the navy and white number wasn’t Kate’s best?
PS Congratulations to Cameo on winning our gluten free giveaway.
PS Congratulations to Cameo on winning our gluten free giveaway.
I just hope that she is well. I recently, on account of stress, noticed that I had lost weight without realizing it. For my body, this isn't good, and I had to work really hard to feel okay about gaining those few pounds back, even though I knew it was healthier. We're always being told that the scale numbers should be going down, and never up. I wonder if she lost weight with all the workouts and stress, and now she feels odd about working to gain some of the weight back. I hope she can be a role model of health to young women, not a role model of slenderness.
I hear you Lauren. I worry about "role model of slenderness" (well said) as it somehow distracts from her other activities. If all the talk is about her weight, it becomes very one dimensional.
I agree with these observations. It seems that every time we see her, her waist is smaller. I do wonder if it's the stress and pressure of her new role. I, too, hope she's well and I also hope that women and girls don't see her non-existent waist as the 'must have' body shape.
p.s. I was also completely enamored by the royal wedding.
I had a brief encounter with dissordered eating and was on a steady weightloss ride for a good two years. I got to the point where my boyfriend lamented daily that I was "wihtering away" but I couldn't stop. I knew I was not fat, and I knew it was my addiction to exercise that fueled the loss – but the sad thing is, weightloss can be addictive. Reaching a size that is – for the majority – unattainable can become an obsession. I wonder if her status of officially being a royal is fueling her to maintain an almost otherworldly thinness.
When I first looked at those pics I thought Nicole Kidman was pregnant. Kate looks so tiny. I hate that I thought this, but my first thought hinged on jealousy. I want that waistline!
Enough talk about weight – I CAN'T BELIEVE I WON THE GF-NYC GIVEAWAY! WOOOOO-HOOOOOOO! Yay! Happy!
I can imagine that stepping into her new role has caused a tremendous amount of stress. I can't even imagine what it feels like to be her and be at the center of attention of the world. That is overwhelming even at the thought of the idea. I think if I were in her shoes eating would be difficult because I would be so full of nervous energy!! The minute you wake up you have to think about your schedule for the day, and what your wearing, and your hair/makeup, and who's going to be waiting for you and taking your picture the second you step foot out the door. Crazy!
i don't really pay attention to celebrities in general (i live under a rock/ don't really care) but i can imagine that all the pressure of being in the public eye and being photographed all the time would certainly trigger me to put down that ice cream scoop more often than not! glad i'm not a celebrity, for sanity and taste bud sake 😉
Great points you've raised. I hope Kate is not losing the weight to be "perfect" and that if she lost the weight because of the busy schedule and the stress, there's someone close to her to tell her that her thinness is worrisome and that as role model to many young girls, her weight is not only important to her but also to many people too.
Coco, you would think those in her inner circle have to notice her weight loss, I would hope so at least.
I definitely noticed how tiny her waist is looking in the LA pics. Nicole Kidman totally looks a little 'dumpy' in comparison and we all know how tiny she is! I like the point Cameo makes above that weight loss can be kind of addicting. It's fine until it turns into something dangerous and there's a fine line between where the healthy and dangerous forms of weight loss meet. I do think she must be under enormous pressure. Every move/gesture/fashion statement is photographed/discussed/analyzed. I really like her so I do wish her all the best in this new but daunting chapter in her life.
Like everyone else who has commented, I've noticed Kate's weight loss but have been hesitant to comment on it. I've written posts about how much I hate that our society so openly criticizes each other and tears women apart because they are too fat, too thin, too muscular, have too much cellulite, and so on. I wish we could just support each other & remind women how lucky & beautiful they are, and what an important role they play in the world. But unfortunately, that's not the case.
I'm not sure why Kate has lost so much weight- the pressure to do so or her body responding to the stress under which she is currently. But it does remind me of the weeks before my wedding 7 years ago when I was stuffing my face (with french fries, cheese omelettes, anything that would give me calories) but weight was melting off and I looked disgustingly skinny. I think we need to remember that everyone's body is different and we each have our own story. I don't envy Kate, I actually feel bad for her – I would never want to live my life under a constant microscope, no matter what luxuries it afforded me.
And Cameo, I've met you in person so I can honestly say this. I'd much rather have your body than hers. You look like a woman- healthy & strong!
I don't think I've noticed her thinness really until you put her next to Nicole Kidman. It is a bit scary but I could only imagine the stress she is under. I am sure there are people watching out for her!
I haven't seem older pictures of her in a while and almost forgot how much healthier she looks. I think she is a bit too thin now. I can only imagine what it would be like in her shoes so not that it's ok by any means, I am sure the pressure has to get to her.
And is that her with Reese Witherspoon? Wow, makes Reese look big.
Kristen, I wouldn't like to be in her shoes either (not even her real ones, they're not great). Yes, that's Reese but Reese has chub potential. As a shortie myself when I'm bloated and feeling puffy I often think I look thick like Reece (mean but true).
don't really follow it 🙂 just my own thanks for the simple sugar syrup tip
I can't believe I forgot my fashion police comment! Not a fan of the "whistles" outfit. It looks too matronly. I was in Club Monaco today and those pleated skirts were on the racks there too! I guess it's a trend? Not my fave look.
I think that she lost weight because her schedule is so hectic and of stress. I think she is a beautiful girl.
She is so beautiful and I find myself consumed with any little news tidbit on her. She really looks better than the celebrities (face wise) but the thinness is too much. I think she looked her best leading up to the wedding and now it's too much. I want to assume she's eating and that stress/hectic schedule is attributing to the weight loss.
Wow, I hadn't seen those photos next to Nicole and Reese yet.. It is obvious that she has lost weight since we first "met" her and she is continuing to do so. There are likely several reasons behind it including the stress that comes with new responsibilities and being in the public eye. But I do think she needs to be careful about not getting this additional media attention for reasons surrounding her eating habits. I think we can all agree she was looking prettttty good a few pounds ago, so maybe she'll see these photos (and maybe this post) and bounce back so we can all rest easy!
Um, she did that Dukan Diet, right? The "attack" phase of that diet is solely low fat MEAT and low fat dairy for a solid week…. so gross. But, I can't say that I wouldn't be trying it if photos of me were being splashed all over the world press….
gosh I noticed this too! I thought maybe it was just me noticing since I dont stay up to date with the royals. Glad you pointed this out! I'm sure it's just pressure to look a certain way…per usual. Poor Kate.
I have definitely noticed how skinny Kate is now and I feel for her. I can't imagine how hard it is to be the center of attention – I imagine that would definitely be an appetite killer for anyone!
I am super thin and have gotten thinner recently thanks to my battle with eczema. And people have commented quite a bit on it. So there are always circumstances that Kate may be facing that we don't know so I really don't know what I think about this one!! All I know is that I wouldn't change places with her in a million years.
Even looking like this, she looks beautiful, she has a beautiful face.