The few posts I’ve done on celebrities and their weight always seem to elicit a certain number of responses along the lines of “we shouldn’t talk about other people’s weight” or “we should focus on their work”. If you share this view, I apologize this post is not for you. I am intrigued by weight loss and weight gain. Celebrities are well documented and weight can be traced along with fashion highs and lows and unfortunate “procedures” (poor Courtney Cox couldn’t leave well enough alone). I found myself thinking about a status update from my friend Meg, who said I could use her name. She wrote:
“Love Kate Middleton but isn’t she moving from bridal skinny to a bit scary skinny? Or am I just jealous of what appears to be an ever-shrinking waist?”
Back in May, I wrote about my royal wedding “binge”. So many people, like me, were sort of transfixed by this woman who seemed (and seems) to be a perfect princess now Duchess. Like my friend Meg, I too am a Kate fan. She’s likeable with her wide smile, poise and the way she looks lovingly at William. I had thought it was my professional bias but I had keyed in on Kate’s weight loss. When I read Meg’s comment and the comments on her comment I realized many people have noticed Kate’s incredibly shrinking waist. In her recent California visit, Nicole Kidman and Reece Witherspoon looked downright chubby next to Kate. The Daily Mail entitled one article “the waist that made Nicole Kidman look dumpy.”
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The “Whistles” outfit, thoughts? |
This is all speculation and nobody knows the reason behind Kate’s weight loss other than her. Having said that, I’m full of curiosity. Sure Kate is the picture of composure, perfectly dressed and coiffed. She appears to be at ease with public appearances but can you imagine the attention? In my “research” I have read posts about the hose Kate, as a royal, is required to wear, her workouts at a private gym and boatloads about her, somewhat dowdy if you ask me, Whistles outfit for her final event Stateside. When billions of people are scrutinizing you, can anyone (or any female) be immune? We know about Diana’s eating disorder and Fergie was rudely nicknamed “the Duchess of Pork” so maybe weight issues and the Windsor family go hand and hand.
I asked my friend Meg for permission to use her comment and she added:
And I keep thinking about it, I loved that she was kind of a (extra pretty) regular girl and now she looks like she could slip through a subway grate. I also wonder if I’m jealous of her thinness in a kind of a triggering way…like maybe when a friend loses a lot of weight and suddenly you see her differently…it’s rife.
I don’t see this exactly as Meg does but agree that, in the past, Kate looked like a lean, athletic and “regular” girl (who happens to be almost 6 feet tall). She had just right look where few would argue she had to lose or gain weight. This weight loss to be reminds me of Jennifer Hudson though the two started with very different physiques. Despite how seemingly comfortable these women were prior to being in the spotlight, something changed. Let’s hope for Kate it was just a visit to Hollywood and nothing more. I doubt it though.
What do you think of Kate’s weight loss? Do you may attention to celebrity’s weight? Do you agree that the navy and white number wasn’t Kate’s best?
PS Congratulations to Cameo on winning our gluten free giveaway.
PS Congratulations to Cameo on winning our gluten free giveaway.