Truth be told, getting back into a routine after the summer is kind of nice. For parents, September presents the challenge to come up with ideas for after school snacks. Unfortunately, many of the snacks that are marketed for children do not meet Foodtrainers’ snack criteria – i.e. no high fructose corn syrup, artificial food colorings and partially hydrogenated oils. Food dyes just may be the real culprit when it comes to behavior problems in children that parents often chalk up to “too much sugar”. However, sugar is hardly innocent when it comes to children’s health. Always read the ingredient list before buying something in a package.
We encourage clients to think outside of the “child-friendly” box and keep it simple. Don’t worry your kids will like snacks even without Sponge Bob on it. Ideally, a good afternoon snack should contain both a source of protein (such as low-fat dairy or nuts) and healthy carbohydrates (which include whole grain crackers, fruits and veggies) to fuel activity for the remainder day. Our September newsletter focused on snacks. We had requests for additional after school options. Melissa (aka Market Melissa) put together some of our favorites and hopefully soon to be your children’s’ favorites too.

 1. Funky Monkey freeze-dried organic fruit snacks and Horizon String cheese.

 2. My Family Farm organic whole wheat crackers (they come in individual sized bags for on-the-go) and Organic Valley low fat milk boxes.

3. Clif Z Bar and apple slices.

 4. Earthbound Farms Carrot Dippers – carrots with ranch dip.

5. Lifeway Probugs Kefir drink and an Asian pear.

And for a homemade treat try making these Energy Bars, recipe from Ellie Krieger.
For more information on our Market Foodtraining fall tours please email

What are your favorite after school snacks? What were your favorite snacks as kids? Would you give your children what you used to eat?


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