We interrupt your holiday craziness (and even if it’s not specifically holiday, this time of year is hectic) to throw you a health preserver…
Three times a year, we offer our 1-week programs to get you back on track, help you shed any extra, and give you the ultimate daily accountability. Our January Whipping Weeks are the perfect way to clean up your act and start 2017 with a bang.
Dates for our January Whipping Weeks are:
- WEEK 1: January 9th-15th (with Carolyn)
- WEEK 2: January 17th-23rd (with Lauren)
You can do week 1, week 2 or both weeks. Prior to Whipping, you are emailed a packet of rules, recipes and a shopping list of “secret weapons”. Each day of Whipping Week you’ll receive a directive of the day and personalized feedback. Every night you check in with us with a food and exercise report.
Our last group of Whippies said they felt: energized, back on track, down 6lb!, in control and sane about food.
To sign up, click here. Space is limited and this will sell out, so be sure to grab your spot before the January rush.
Corporate Foodtraining

We have been making our corporate rounds with our “Top 10 Foods to Undo Holiday Damage” lecture. You can find a recap here. And if you want to take your nutritionist to work in 2017, we’d love to talk health and wellness at your office. Email us, or put us in touch with your HR.
Our Ideal December Day
We’re big fans of controlling your daytime eating during the holidays; control what you can control. Here are some ideas.
- Start your day with a Vital Proteins collagen smoothie(great for skin which sugar and alcohol and winter weather can F up). Well and Good listed collagen as a trend for 2017.
- Use Orgran gluten free flatbreads for that avocado toast or “tartine” with tuna or smoked salmon at lunch.
- Have a nutcase of Organic Living Superfoods pumpkin pecans mid afternoon or before a party. Pecans have a type of fat that helps with stubborn, unhealthy belly fat.
- And skip dessert when out. Have EatingEVOLVED paleo chocolate caramel cups or Nutterly cookie swapsinstead.
Wishing you a healthy and happy holiday season.