I have such a low threshold for being “selly”. I unfollow people who are constantly pushing their seminars and books and just repeating themselves. I think it has probably hurt my business that I cannot sell, sell, sell.  I have even realized that sometimes people want to hear information more than once. There has to be a happy medium.

With that, our September Squeeze started today. We offer this program 3 times per year (Sept, Jan and May). Each participant gets a rulebook- complete with menus and recipes, a product bundle, daily check-ins with their nutritionist (yup) and a private Facebook group for support. If you want a “taste” of Squeeze check out our hashtag #FTSqueeze on Instagram. And next Monday 9/24 our January Squeeze goes on sale, and generals sells out.

Now that that’s out of the way, each day of the Squeeze there is a tip of the day. To kick things off we had Squeezers choose a mantra. A mantra helps block out any negative head and redirect you when necessary. My mantra (above) is “I am choosing the healthiest option.” That’s my criteria for the week. Sure, I usually choose and eat healthy food but this encourages me not to have a bite of x, y or z because it looks appealing, not to have the drink (actually have had 2 drinks since September started) and also to get all my vitamins and water in etc. I think of it as going from a B+ to an A. Even healthy eaters, as many of our Squeezers are, can use a little reset and structure.


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