“Follow your nose it always knows” who remembers that commercial? Or should I say who was born before 1980? The truth is just as certain scents can trigger your appetite, other aromas can help you eat less. You may be surprised which ones those are.
Researchers at Osaka University found that exposing rats to the scent of grapefruit oil for 15-minute intervals helped lower their appetite and weight. Researchers believe it may have to do with how the smell interacts with liver enzymes. We often suggest Foodtrainers clients have a grapefruit after dinner if that is their “witching hour” or trouble time. The scent and process of peeling and eating can end that potential snack caravan. We test drove scents by this company though essential oils are widely available.
The Ancient Greeks used Fennel as a slimming aid (funny to think about). Fennel is also an excellent debloater. I mentioned it Monday but give fennel tea mid afternoon or after dinner.
In one study, 3000 overweight people were given an inhalants with various scents and told to inhale whenever they felt hungry Peppermint was one of most effective scents for weight loss.
Each month the peppermint participants lost an average of nearly 5 pounds. In another study, people were asked to sniff peppermint every two hours for 5 days. For another 5 days they were given a placebo (not sure how this worked since it would be fairly obvious peppermint versus no peppermint). Over the minty days, participants consumed almost 2000 calories less.
One note, when it comes to fragrance while some scents may be beneficial when it comes to weight some of the nastiest ingredients lurk under “fragrance”on label lists. Be very careful with scents if a family member suffers from asthma. And be weary of any synthetic musks as certain ingredients can increase the proliferation of estrogen sensitive breast cancer cells. If there’s a fragrance you favor be sure it’s free of phthalates, DEP and DEHP.
And if you are a child of the 80s or the 90s (grrr) it was Toucan Sam the Froot Loops mascot who uttered “follow your nose”. At least the slogan was right, don’t get me started on the “balanced breakfast” part.
Do you wear perfume or fragrance? Have you thought about the connect to appetite and weight? Have you checked the ingredients in your fragrances?