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I am a little bit of a tea freak. Purists swear by loose-leaf tea but more often than not I use tea bags. I have a huge selection of teas at home, in my office and keep a few bags in my purse at all times. I’ll even violate my “don’t eat anything offered by an airline” rule for hot water for  tea hough the nasty Styrofoam cup ruins my tea experience. A great article in Slate  “how to make a decent cup of tea”, posted on Facebook by acupuncturist extraordinaire Jill Blakeway, made me think more about the details of my tea preparation.

It suggested:
  • Tea is best in cylindrical cups rather than short, wide-mouthed options.
  • The article also discusses a topic debated by John Lennon and Yoko and sides with tea bag first then water.

Some of my tea tips:
  • Toss tea after six months, not to worry you’re not the only one with tea older than your children, as the flavor and antioxidant level decreases significantly
  • Fresh brewed is always best, there are 20 times more antioxidants in brewed versus bottled teas (applies more to iced tea).
  • Preparation is different for different teas. Green teas and white teas need only a couple of minutes, ½ the steeping time of black and herbal teas.

Some of my current favorite teas (click on images for links) are:
Green and oolong tea have mild metabolic boosting effects, white tea is great for immunity and rooibos tea is beneficial for certain skin conditions including eczema. After dinner, a delicious cup of tea and a good book is the perfect ending to the day.
Are you a tea freak? What are your current favorites? Tea or water in the cup first? 


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