5 ingredients to make salad exciting

  In most cases, when people say they don’t like a certain food, it’s because they haven’t had a good version of that food. This is definitely the case with salad. If, in your mind, salad means a pile of ho-hum lettuce with bottled dressing, you...

Bye Bye Bloat

The 4 C’s  One of the most common words used by clients in by office is “bloated.” Nobody likes to feel bloated, especially during beach and bathing suit season.  I spoke to Tanya Rivera, of GMA Health, about the bloating basics and thought Monday,...

Three Ingredient Fix

I was out to dinner with a couple of good friends on Thursday.  We were joking about staying on top of everything: work, kids, food, exercise, sometimes doing a better job than others. My friend Meg shared a story, her son woke up that morning and requested...

Healthy Overdose?

The following post was written for one of my favorite sites Blisstree,  please note that I also stole the carrot photo from their site. After you read this, cruise on over there because they are not afraid to get down and dirty when it comes to food and...


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