I relax some of my food standards when we’re away from home. Despite my best efforts, you cannot always control everything. Vegetables aren’t always organic, most restaurants don’t cook with coconut oil etc. Additionally, contrary to what my offspring think, my mission in life isn’t to embarrass them in any way possible. Even with the upcoming book, at one of our early meetings when we conceptualized it, my agent looked at me and said “the advice for each scenario cannot be to bring your own.” I agreed. But there are places when you should bring your own and one of those places is the movies.
My children eat candy and have treats but they don’t need sour patch kids the size of a clutch purse or popcorn popped in garbage. They used to give me a hard time over my need to smuggle in my own cinema offerings until I found a solution they adored. The solution’s name is
Quinn and this popcorn is insanely good. Aside from the movies it’s now our football snack, road trip snack- we’re pretty into it.
As Quinn says it’s “microwave popcorn reinvented”. I have many issues and phobias but the microwave isn’t one of them. If you don’t microwave, there are stovetop directions. The bag is free of chemical coatings and such found in typical micro pop (and also compostable). All ingredients are non-GMO, popcorn is organic. You pop the popcorn, add oil and shake, add the flavor packet and shake again. Our only issue is that we live in a house divided. Two favor Vermont Maple and Sea Salt and two can’t think beyond Hickory Smoked Cheddar.

So there are times when I try to find a family friendly replacement for unhealthy options. Other times, I’m trying to pack the maximum amount of nutrition into our family meals. One of my favorite ways to do this is with hemp (seeds, oil, powder). Hemp hearts (shelled hemp seeds) have a mild flavor and contain a variety of fats making them great for skin, cognition and mood. They’re also a good source of protein. These go in our school day smoothies and get sprinkled over salads and in yogurt.
From our family (and the Quinn and Manitoba Harvest family) to yours.
Quinn is giving away a 6-pack of all flavors of their popcorn.
Manitoba harvest is generously supplying a lucky reader a hemp starter pack (with hemp oil, hemp hearts and hemp protein).
To be eligible
- Comment below (with an email address so we can reach you)
- Tweet “@foodtrainers family favorites @quinnpocorn and @manitobaharvest #giveaway https://foodtrainers.blogspot.com/2013/09/two-of-our-family-favorites-and.html”
- And like Manitoba Harvest and Quinn Popcorn on Facebook
You have until Thursday September 19th to enter
How do you maximize nutrition in your meals? Have you tried either of these foods? And where do you try to smuggle food?