Fortunately for me, when it comes to ice cream I thought I had left my heart in San Francisco. I can still salivate thinking about the salted caramel at Bi-Rite Creamery. I have had previous flings with Steve’s (dairy free mint cacao chip) and Victory Garden which are both delicious local options. However, this summer, with the exception of a La Newyorkina stop with the boys at the farmer’s market, I had gone ice cream less until recently (terrible).

You may have read our Cool Treats newsletter. We try to suggest both local and widely available options but we held back on you. We had a tasting scheduled with a highly recommended local company that didn’t happen in time. Enter Alchemy Creamery. Aside from a great name, the founder or  “Alcreamist” is lactose intolerant and makes dairy free, gluten free, vegan ice cream.
Their “potions” as they call them are made with a hazelnut/coconut milk base.
They also use teas in many of their flavors. “Chief “Alcreamist” Giuseppe started experimenting with tea because it gives a huge burst of right-from-the-earth-goodness to our creations. That being said, we also wanted to create a product that is actually good for you and we love the health and wellness benefits from all the teas we use.”
We tasted these flavors:
Luna’s Kiss – Green Tea and Coconut
Jealousy – Strawberry
Fixation – Chocolate Chai
Heart of Mars – Red Tea and Lime
What does it say that Carolyn’s favorite was Fixation and mine was Heart of Mars? We haven’t tried the Magic Wand may be my end of summer goal.

For a list of stores carrying Alchemy Creamery, check out their website and if you’re not in NYC there are some fantastic options on our Cool Treat list including a DIY recipe.

Are you an ice cream person? Do you make your own? Do you look for dairy free or gluten free options? Have you tried Alchemy? What’s your dream ice cream flavor if you were the “alcreamist” for the day?


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