Is Body Commentary Ever OK?

  Over the years, I’ve heard the gamut of comments others make about weight and appearance. There’s the judgy and cruel, “you look sooooooo much better”. The perhaps not meant maliciously but stinging, “you look like a different person”. Or, the curious and...

Tahini Latte Recipe

Our Squeeze week is on, and we sent out a newsletter with all of our Squeeze Secret Weapons and a Brownie Bowl recipe. We’re especially loving on this Seed & Mill organic tahini. Our tahini latte & tahini salad dressings are already a huge...

Eggs wont kill you but the headlines might

You might have heard about an egg study going viral. Before we go any further, you can eat eggs.  We understand clickbait, certain headlines draw us in and sometimes freak us out. But we also understand studies, how to read them and what conclusions to draw. We’re...

Nonreligious Lent Take 8

Carolyn and I were brought together by Lent. I noticed that nothing helped clients adhere to a rule like they did during Lent. Truthfully, having not grown up with Lent, or even really knowing what it was, I was jealous of their resolve. And so Foodtrainers’...


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