Gone too Soon

A bunch of years ago, I led a retreat at Blackberry Farm. There was a fitness expert from the Ashram and I gave a series of nutrition talks. One of the participants was a woman, around my age, named Elizabeth. Throughout the weekend, Elizabeth pulled me aside to ask...

Just how bad are pesticides?

Last week EWG came out with their annual “dirty dozen” (and here’s a CBS segment on the subject I was interviewed for).  The dirty dozen summarizes the most highly contaminated produce and there’s also a “clean” list.  Jenn, of Peas and Crayons wrote a...

Recipes and Rules

While I enjoy cooking and writing, I especially love the clients who come to my little Upper West Side office. In some way, every client comes to talk about food but you can’t talk about lunch without talking about life.  One client, L, came to my office for the...

Burger Bogey

I have to realize, as I write this, that the whole world doesn’t live in a house where the Golf Channel is on the preset list. Even so, chances are you’ve heard of Phil Mickelson. At the Masters tournament last month everyone had their eyes on Tiger (sing if...


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