June News…We’re Back!

We’re so sorry if you’ve been out of your Chill Pills, CBD or Sweet Dreams, at a time like this. And though we’re lighthearted in our communication, in no way do we want to seem tone-deaf to everything that’s going on that’s scary and sad. But our Foodtrainers’...

Second Annual Pre-Beach Tips:

Last year (on 5/17 funny enough) I answered my college friend M’s plea for help with some Pre Beach Tips. It turns she wasn’t the only one in need of a “reducing routine” and the post was one of the post popular I’ve done.Rather than reposting last year’s advice...


On Friday I received this email from a college friend and recent client: Hey Lauren, I hope this note finds you well! Are the boys finished w/ school soon? We’re out on June 1, and then Colin and I head to Hawaii for 2 weeks. So, I have 2 weeks before I go to...


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